Nail Queen…From Hell

Too Much Is Never Enough when it comes to depicting the epic battle between Good and Evil, using fingernails. If Scary Nails was the theme of this year’s Nail Queen competition at the Tokyo Nail Expo, the winners definitely did not disappoint! As you can see by the outfit that goes with the winning nails, scaryContinueContinue reading “Nail Queen…From Hell”

Bride Of Scissorhands

What’s a girl to do when her fiancé has nails that will certainly siphon off all kinds of attention that should rightly belong to the bride on her big day? Extreme nail design to the rescue! With rocks so big, they’ll require extra biceps work just to hold the bouquet, Bridezilla won’t have to fightContinueContinue reading “Bride Of Scissorhands”

The Perfect Barbie Wedding

This ain’t no bridesmaid dress – in Japan, brides disappear about halfway through the reception and return in a the princess-y gown of their dreams. After you finally got Kenji to go down on one plastic bendable knee and propose, what could be more perfect than to dress up like Barbie for the wedding? InContinueContinue reading “The Perfect Barbie Wedding”

Tools For The Fingernail Challenged

I’ll take one in every color! Congratulating yourself that your spanking new nail art will definitely make it impossible for you to be selected to wash dishes or chop vegetables, you whip out your smartphone to send your ten best friends new shots of your to-die-for talons, the bowl of abura soba you just orderedContinueContinue reading “Tools For The Fingernail Challenged”

The Edward Scissorhands School of Nail Art

You know you want these! You’ll merely have to hold up one hand to get out of dishwashing and other odious chores. In a boggling bow to sheer impracticality, the contestants in a recent Japanese nail/hair/makeup contest really took fingernails to a new level. Not only are they of ancient Chinese mandarin-like proportions, they must weighContinueContinue reading “The Edward Scissorhands School of Nail Art”

Nail Queen

I love Japanese TV. Sandwiched between a news story about protesters being pepper sprayed by police in a dangerous foreign country (America) and a piece on noodles topped with grilled intestines (horumon udon) was a story on the 2011 Tokyo Nail Expo’s Nail Queen. Nails are big here, and anything goes. It’s not unusual forContinueContinue reading “Nail Queen”