Nightmare Or Skin Treatment? You Decide!

Wow, which one do I dread trying the most? It’s so hard to choose! As much as having my face covered in the kind of pond scum I remember eww-ing over in 10th grade Biology, lying there with snail slime perilously close to my nose and mouth might be worse. Both, however, are certainly trumped by the nightmare of being CRAWLED ON BY SEA CUCUMBERS. Even the beauty shot on the package can’t disguise the fact that this otherwise harmless denizen of the sea is a master of pale, warty, squick-worthiness.

But I’m pretty sure that with my well-honed powers of denial, I can survive the merely revolting. Bee stings and snake bites are another thing. I suspect actually trying these will win me some kind of  Darwin Award.

The Last Tea Bowl Thief was chosen as an Editor’s Pick for
Best Mystery, Thriller & Suspense on Amazon

For three hundred years, a missing tea bowl passes from one fortune-seeker to the next, changing the lives of all who possess it…read more

“A fascinating mix of history and mystery.” —Booklist

Jonelle Patrick writes novels set in Japan, produces the monthly e-magazine Japanagram, and blogs at Only In Japan and The Tokyo Guide I Wish I’d Had

Published by Jonelle Patrick

Writes all the Japan things.

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