Holiday Lights Just Don’t Get Any Better Than This!


Forget the plastic Santas and bobbing dwarves mistaken for elves – let’s skip right to the computer-choreographed field of lights that pulses and ripples to wintry electronic music! The display at Tokyo Midtown this year is jaw-droppingly spectacular, with shadowy shapes that flicker across the twinkly landscape like clouds passing in fast motion, punctuated by train-like snakes of lights that carve up the field of dreams like an urban Christmas cake. Here’s a little piece of it, with music!  In comparison, Roppongi Hills’ display is a little lacking in fireworks, but it’s still hard to beat the view looking toward Tokyo Tower on a clear winter night.

The pond is lit up as usual, this year with a stand of icy pine trees.
Looking up at the night sky through the top of the starry egg near the Roppongi Hills spider.

The Last Tea Bowl Thief was chosen as an Editor’s Pick for
Best Mystery, Thriller & Suspense on Amazon

For three hundred years, a missing tea bowl passes from one fortune-seeker to the next, changing the lives of all who possess it…read more

“A fascinating mix of history and mystery.” —Booklist

Jonelle Patrick writes novels set in Japan, produces the monthly e-magazine Japanagram, and blogs at Only In Japan and The Tokyo Guide I Wish I’d Had

Published by Jonelle Patrick

Writes all the Japan things.

9 thoughts on “Holiday Lights Just Don’t Get Any Better Than This!

    1. In my neighborhood in San Francisco, it’s sort of every man for himself, and there’s one house that’s just blazing with lights on every single surface for the month of December. But it’s just sort of bright and garish, not beautiful like this. Fairy lights in the handing baskets sounds lovely, though. Also, rather envious that you live in a town with hanging baskets!

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